Well not really. I just skipped my leg workout this week. Really I ran out of days/time from being sick early in the week. Oh, it made such a difference in my running! While I realize I can't continue to totally skip legs, I probably should lighten that workout to accommodate more comfortable running.
Made my return to yoga this week with 2 sessions in place of cycling. This is probably another reason my legs have been feeling so much better. Not sure if I should consider this a cutback week or a change of strategy week?
I discovered that Bryan Kest will be 2 hours away from me conducting a Master Class (all levels) in Jan. and Feb. I've always wanted to take his class in person! Streaming classes are the next best thing I suppose but there's no feedback with those. Would also love to take class with Baron Baptiste but he's usually out of reach due to distance. These 2 teachers are favorites for me since I started doing yoga at home with their dvds. I practiced with them for a year before I ever stepped foot in a studio. Baron gives excellent alignment cues if you listen. I found that for the longest time I would continue to hear him say new things about how to do asanas that I hadn't heard before. I hear excellent things about Rod Stryker and he comes to Cincy periodically but I hesitate since I don't know anything about him firsthand. I'll have to take the plunge if I can arrange it when he returns.
Just finished week 4 of the Run Less, Run Faster running plan and am starting to see improvement in my speed and distance. The mileage buildup is so gradual and the speedwork was badly needed. GRADUAL = injury free for me! I finally broke the 10 min. pace barrier for the 6 mile distance!
Also I'm 2 weeks into the carb cycling program that Jeff S. worked out for me. I've been faithful in eating my veggies and sticking to the program. Not sure that I see any difference yet. Not really trying to lose weight but lower my body fat %. At 4 weeks he will check me with the calipers again. Even if I don't lose a lot of body fat, this is a very healthy way of eating and I should have been eating veggies all along. Thank goodness for treat day though! I put away some cupcakes, 2 pieces of pumpkin pie, and some good old Hershey's chocolate today. I think I have it out of my system for another week. Let's hope so anyway.
7 years ago
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