Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Wanna Run

I'm so thankful that I have so many other activities I CAN do. BUT... I'm so tired of being injured and it has only been 3 weeks. I do realize it could be much worse.

I've come to the conclusion that I have a calf strain/tear at the very top where the gastrocnemius inserts behind the knee. A level 1 requires 2 wks off, level 2 could require up to 6 wks off, level 3 requires surgery and is accompanied by swelling and bruising. I estimate mine is somewhere between a 1 & 2. I gave it 2 wks semi rest and tried running again but running over 3 miles only makes the pain return. I've determined to only cross train for the next 2 wks and see what happens. If it takes longer it takes longer. So my plan is to do elliptical or arc trainer on running days and a combo of rowing and cycling on the opposite days with 3x/wk of weight training until this thing heals. The good news for now is that it feels fine during cross training and walking. It is specifically the impact and motion of running that sets it off.

I've also decided to follow the Run Less, Run Faster training plan once I am able. It alternates 3 running days with 3 xtraining days. Each run has a purpose rather than just logging miles. It should result in better quality runs and less injury. My friend Lori's husband is a marathon runner and swears by it. He has qualified and run in the Boston Marathon and it has helped even him to improve. He ran Columbus in 3:04!

Enough about me. Lori finished the Columbus 1/2 Marathon. She says she is disappointed with her time. I say she was out there and she finished it. It was hard for her but she endured. That's more than most people can say! She has even signed up for another 1/2 in May! Lori is someone to emulate. I'm proud of her.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thank Goodness for the YMCA

We rejoined the Clermont Y this week and the timing couldn't have been better. I feel as though the kids have productive things to do again such as swim team and volleyball for Paige. There's swimming for Jesse too. James could also participate in those things but now being 14, he wants to do weight training. I signed him up for the teen orientation for the fitness center. Once he completes that, he can lift with me and Jim. He should be up and running (I mean lifting) by next weekend. When the kids were little, I often envisioned the time when our boys would start to become young men. Well, now we're there!

The timing was also perfect for me. Since I slightly injured my leg, I have access to cardio equipment and weights again! I've been having some great workouts this week. I'm so sore but I LOVE it! I didn't realize how much I missed lifting. I'm all ready missing my runs though. I hope this healing break is short lived. The combo of running with everything else we have available to us makes me very happy.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Now I'm Sure...It's an Injury

Went to the Y today. Paige played volleyball. My plan was to do lower body; squats, leg exts, and curls. While I warmed up on the treadmill some silly guy started doing bicep curls in the squat rack. So I decided to go outside for a 4 mile run. I just did 3.1 miles of treadmill intervals the night before and my leg felt pretty good. I thought it would be fine. The run did start out fine. I felt that twinge a little but not enough to stop. I had a really good pace going too! Then all of a sudden at 2.94 miles the pain was bad. I tried to walk it out and start back up a few times but it was a no go. Before this it felt like a pain behind my knee but now it actually feels like the very top of my calf muscle behind the knee. It's painful when I roll off the ball of my foot or when I flex my foot. I think the treadmill felt OK because you more or less are keeping up with the belt where on the ground you have to push off the ball of the foot more.

When I finally got back to the Y, I finished up on the arc trainer without discomfort. It's just impact on the ball of my foot and flexing the foot that makes the top of my calf hurt. So I think I can get by with cross training on the elliptical, arc trainer, and lifting weights for the next week and then see what happens. If it's still there next Wednesday, then I don't think I'll be able to run the half marathon (13.1 miles) on Sunday. I think what happened was my training got behind around the time we moved by missing my long runs. Then I tried to pick up the training schedule as if I hadn't missed. So I ran 9 miles the week before we moved, missed 3 weeks of long runs, ran 8 miles on the 4th week and then 10 miles the week after that. it's been since the 10 miler, I've had this pain. I was probably a bit too ambitious and needed more time. Too much too fast!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hmmm... Maybe an Injury?

I really pushed myself hard to finish 10 miles on Wednesday and really felt the effects of it afterward. I'm not usually affected so dramatically. It could mean that I have reached my max for right now. I keep wondering if I can finish 13.1 in just 2 weeks? But still didn't think it was any big deal. Rest and ibuprofen usually takes care of that sort of thing.

Did a 6 mile run Saturday and started out feeling recovered but about 4 miles into it felt some pain behind my left knee. All in all it was a very pleasant run full of insightful solitude. But that spot really felt sore still this morning (Sunday). I hope it isn't anything big and that I wake up feeling my usual Monday morning. I only have 4 miles scheduled for tomorrow. So I guess that could be considered taking it easy compared to last Wednesday. lol

My hope for Monday is to get my 4 miles in and then take Paige to volleyball at our local YMCA. At that time I plan to rejoin the Y now that we are permanently living in Cincinnati again. At that time I am going to get in a good upper body workout. It's so funny that I am excited about it since I was so burned out on weight training a couple of months ago when I started training for this 1/2 marathon with Lori. Now I miss it. I say a good upper body workout but should probably take it easy since I do want to be able to move my arms the next day! lol

I'm kind of looking forward to this half being completed so I can find some balance again in my fitness routine. I will continue running as I have been bitten with the running bug. I know I at least have the first rule in Zombieland covered and that's cardio! That's all I'll say about that just in case you go see the movie. I wouldn't want to spoil it for you. lol