But the goal has changed!
I'm now in week 10 of P90X and can't wait to graduate my first round of 90 days! Jim was very interested in trying it. Since he has the time right now, I decided to try it with him. It was very tiring for the first month. I tried to continue my half marathon training schedule but I couldn't keep up with both of them without overtraining. Something had to give. So I did what was to be a temporary running cutback which was still ambitious since all the P90X literature suggests giving up running completely until you finish at least one round of the X. The cutback lasted a little longer than I expected though.
I'm just now starting to build miles again now that the weather has improved and I have somewhat adapted to the demands of P90X. As a matter of fact this week I have replaced the P90X cardio with running. There are a few of those X workouts that will make me scream if I have to do them again. lol Their cardio was becoming very repetitive. All in all though I've found it to be a very well rounded routine. The weight training is nicely varied and awesome. I've never done so many push ups and pull ups at one time in my entire life! It has brought me back to practicing yoga and it has me doing core work on a regular basis. Core work was sort of hit or miss in the past. It even provides a definite nutrition plan that makes me feel secure in my macros and how many calories I should consume. P90X has showed me how to fit in all the aspects of fitness. I've learned that I can do it all and still be flexible about my routine. I don't have to concentrate on only one activity at a time. And I like that!
So I'm anxiously waiting for the end of week 13! It's supposed to be a late peaking program. Someone I know confirmed that she didn't see her big results until around week 12. So I am encouraged it will work out that way for me too. We'll see!