I'll do my best in this account to get the comedic aspects across about this run without crossing the line into "too much information". Wow! Was this one a
I knew when I got up that I would need to "go" sometime soon but couldn't quite pull it off. I couldn't wait any longer and let it get any later since I had 9 miles planned. Considering these circumstances, I decided to put 2 different routes together which would bring me by the house about midway without having to run the same scenery twice. That way I could use the bathroom if needed and was a comfy place to refuel and hydrate.
So this is how it went... I ran 3 miles out on my favorite, most isolated route. About that time I knew I could probably "go". That meant I would have to hold it until 6 miles. Yeah, right.
lol I got to 4 miles and it was go or the run would be ruined. I found a little farmer's turn off and a little spot between rows of corn and took care of things. Corn stalk leaves are a great sub for
btw. Figured I would be good to go the rest of the way and felt very relieved. But, OH NO! Around mile 5 I had to go again. Not much luck of finding a pit stop on a hwy, so I would have to wait for mile 6 and home. Finally the house was in sight and it was so good to see it! Refueled with raisins, drank water, and took care of business again. I DID know at this point I was probably ill, but I all ready had 6 miles in. Did I really want to cut it short when I only had 3 to go? I'd only have to go out 1.5 miles and turn around. I had to do this. I was so close! So off I went again.
At this point I decided to turn on my shuffle for some distraction. I will be ever grateful to KISS and Rob Zombie for helping me through. Close to mile 7 I had the urge to go again but KISS persuaded me that I wanted to Rock and Roll All Night and Party Everyday! Next up was Rob Zombie's Creeper. Well how appropriate!
LOL Not what he was referring to but Meet the Creeper Digging Deeper seemed appropriate for me at the time. Although I wasn't going as slow as it seemed according to the
Garmin in hindsight. Mile 8, I REALLY had to go. Unfortunately you cannot get
a lot of privacy in a soybean field. I had to wait. The plants aren't high enough. But Rob Zombie started making fun of me with his song, Living Dead Girl.
lol I had to keep going. I had no idea I had it left in me, but I sprinted the last 1/2 mile at about a 8-8:30/min pace. I felt as though I was doing a huge, continuous
kegel to keep everything under control, but I did it! I got there. 9 miles!
I look back on this with humor. Today I feel much better. And my legs and feet actually feel pretty good. But Boy, Oh, Boy, I don't want to go through THAT again. Next week's 10 mile long run will seem easy in comparison. : )